]]> ]]> Converted as part of the ABLE project by Dauvit King ]]> ]]> This document has been converted to TEI XML as part of the ABLE project to make it more widely available to biodiversity researchers in a useful format. ]]> ]]> No corrections have been made in the text. The original source has not been regularized or normalized. Quotation marks have not been processed. They are as in the original DjVu XML document. Hyphens, including end-of-line hyphens, have not been processed. They are as in the original DjVu XML document. The text has been segmented based purely on layout based on page breaks. No language level segmetation, such as sentences, tone-units or graphemic, has been applied. Additional mark up using taXMLit has been applied to the TEI XML based on analysis of the original source through the uBio and OpenCalais web services. (Add comment for fuzzy matching once this has been brought into the final workflow too.) ]]>